Manufacturers set new sustainability targets

The Food and Drink Federation has launched a new set of environmental targets for food manufacturers that it says will help deliver a sustainable food system for the future.

‘Ambition 2025’ builds on the FDF’s existing Five-fold Environmental Ambition (FFEA), launched in 2007, and covers issues such as carbon emissions, food waste, sustainable packaging, water use, and transport emissions.

Among the new targets are for a 55% absolute reduction in operational carbon by 2025 from a 1990 baseline, and contributions towards industry-wide targets of reducing water use by 20% by 2020 and a 20% per capita reduction in UK food and drink waste by 2025 against a 2015 baseline.

For the first time the FDF has pledged to work with partners to increase awareness of the business benefits of valuing natural capital.

It also intends to develop an online signposting tool to guide members in how to integrate sustainable sourcing into their supply chains.

“The Ambition 2025 is the next step on our journey to help deliver a sustainable food system into the future,” said Nick Vermont, regional CEO, McCain Foods and Chair of FDF’s Sustainability Steering Group. “It is a journey that will see our industry continue to take a leading role to further improve resource efficiencies and address the wider sustainability agenda.”