A psychological approach to helping consumers make healthier choices in foodservice.
Footprint Intelligence was commissioned to conduct a piece of independent research on how to use the psychology of healthier eating to encourage consumers to eat more healthily in foodservice by Compass Group UK & Ireland.
The research for this report comprised of a mix of desk-based research and semi-structured interviews with foodservice experts and psychologists, as well as other opinion leaders linked to industry.
In total, over 60 experts were interviewed. See list at the back for those who were happy to be credited. An industry focus group also brought operators, producers and pressure groups together to debate the issues. Footprint Intelligence is indebted to the industry experts who generously gave their time and insights for interviews and the focus group.

About Footprint Intelligence
With the ever moving and shifting sustainability debate, accurate intelligence which enabling businesses to make informed decisions is vital. Footprint Intelligence is Footprint Media Group’s research and analysis division. It helps companies to develop successful strategies in the context of responsible business practices. Footprint Intelligence aims to drive, promote and share best practice by helping industry to answer some of the most pressing sustainability questions of our time by taking on the challenge of asking tough questions and finding answers. We use research and industry insight to bring industry together to find workable solutions, revealing the opportunities, trends and challenges.
Report author
Amy Fetzer is head of research and analysis for Footprint Media Group. A journalist, author and consultant specialising in sustainability, Amy is passionate about helping individuals and organisations become more sustainable and more successful.
She is the co-author of “Climb the Green Ladder: Make Your Company and Career More Sustainable”. She has also worked for Sodexo, Hewlett Packard and Unilever. Amy has an MSc with distinction in sustainable development from the University of Surrey, winning the Roland Clift Award for Environment and Sustainability Research. Analysts Catherine Edser is part of the Footprint Intelligence research team. She is a founding member of the Fairtrade Merton Steering Committee, and has worked as an investment bank operations manager for JP Morgan.
Anya Hart Dyke is part of the Footprint Intelligence research team. Anya has been working in sustainability for more than six years, specialising in the food industry since 2012. She also campaigns for greater transparency in company supply chains with her Ask the Q initiative
Download the Footprint Intelligence report – Designed with health in mind