Sodexo publishes CR update

SODEXO IS ON track to meet almost all of the targets set out in its ‘Better Tomorrow Plan’.











The caterer and service provider has just published its eighth annual corporate citizenship report highlighting its sustainability performance across the business.


The report shows that it has already eliminated the purchase of all at-risk seafood species and only buys sustainable paper disposables.


It is also on track to meet management targets such as 100% of sites taking steps to cut water consumption by 2020 (62% currently). More and more sites also have a waste reduction programme in place (16% currently, up from 2% in 2009/10).


For some of the other targets there remains much work to be done. By 2014/15 Sodexo hopes that 65% of its sites will be taking basic steps to reduce non-organic waste such as packaging, but to date just 26% have made progress in this area.


Chief executive Debbie White said the plan is designed to manage the social and environmental impacts of the business. “We are guided by a robust framework of commitments that makes it much more than a corporate citizenship pledge,” she explained. “The Better Tomorrow Plan is integral to the way we are, how we do business and the way we engage with a wide range of stakeholders.”


Sodexo also announced today, April 16th, that is has achieved a “Gold” band ranking in the Business in the Community (BITC) Corporate Responsibility Index, for a third consecutive year.


The annual index has been run by BITC for over a decade to help companies accurately measure and manage all aspects of their social and environmental performance.


Achieving a ‘Gold’ ranking means Sodexo is able to demonstrate openness and transparency through effective public reporting of its material environmental and social issues, programmes and performance. This is managed through the Better Tomorrow Plan.