TUCO proud to announce key green affiliations for 2014

THE UNIVERSITY Caterers Organisation (TUCO) continues to strengthen its position within the higher education and further education sectors, and has announced two significant industry partnerships for 2014 that will enhance TUCO’s sustainability offering and add further value to its growing TUCO membership base.













The partner affiliations can be defined as both strategic and fundamental to the way that the organisation works with industry and offer supplementary opportunities only available to TUCO members.


Strategic relationships have been forged with the Environmental Association for Universities and Colleges (EAUC) and Footprint, the corporate sustainability champion.


The EAUC partnership not only includes the sponsorship of a new category within the EAUC Green Gown Awards for the Best Food and Beverage Sustainability Initiative but also regular opportunities to communicate directly with members of both organisations via webinars, editorial, online articles and case studies. It also facilitates an enhanced presence at the EAUC Conference taking place in May in Nottingham and the chance to join EAUC Communities of Practice to learn and share insights.


Footprint has also unveiled a bespoke partnership package for TUCO, including the sponsorship of a new category within its Footprint Awards for the Best Sustainability Initiative in Education. Additionally, this year will see the two bodies work together to hold a specially created Footprint-hosted event, discussing pertinent issues on the sustainable agenda, bespoke to Universities and higher education colleges.


TUCO Chair and Director of Accommodation & Hospitality Services at Brighton University, Julie Barker, on behalf of the TUCO Board, is keen to maximise the opportunities in 2014 through these relationships and comments:


“We always welcome closer links with complementary member organisations and are delighted to announce these strategic partnerships for 2014, which will drive further value into our membership.


“TUCO has developed a reputation for its forward-thinking approach to sustainability through unique links with the Marine Stewardship Council and WRAP. TUCO is determined to continue its work in this area with a demonstrable commitment to the industry and we look forward to working with all relevant organisations to communicate and share insights across the higher education and further education arenas.”