Footprint is published on the 18th day of every month (not in July or December). The magazine focuses on news analysis, features and comment from across the foodservice and hospitality sectors.
All aspects of sustainability are covered, including environment, ethics and health. The articles also aim to deliver content that is relevant to all this sector’s businesses, regardless of size.
Given the fast paced nature of the sustainability agenda, this features list will be updated monthly to include more details on the articles in upcoming issues. This will be done usually 4 weeks in advance of publication, so do check this list regularly.
The features for the upcoming month will be decided no later than 4 weeks before the issue due date. This is with the exception, generally, of the news analysis which will be written last.
Press teams are encouraged to contact the editor with any angles for either regular features, analysis, comment or the monthly cover feature.
TBC: For features that are “TBC” press offices are free to pitch ideas to the address above.
Deadlines: All features for the March issue will be completed by March 1st. Writing will therefore start around February 11th.
Please contact David Burrows on Please also add this address to any media release lists you have.
For advertorial/commercial opportunities, including those around sponsorship of columns, pages, supplements or events, please contact the managing director, Charles Miers, holds all the latest news from the industry, as well as more exclusive commentary. You can follow us on Twitter @footprintmedia
News Analysis:
Detailed analysis of the month’s top news stories. This can either be directly relevant to the sector, or issues that will impact on it.
March: With Brad Pitt and Richard Branson among its supporters, WHOLE WORLD water is attracting a lot of attention. But will it bring the world’s hospitality businesses together and do what it says on the bottle? This feature will touch on the issue of bottle water but focus on whether collective initiative can work for the hospitality sector. It will therefore also touch upon the voluntary agreements for health and waste.
Green Scene:
A look at what’s going on in sustainability outside of foodservice and hospitality. This can include best practice from other sectors.
March: The Budget
Waste Watch:
A round-up of the waste news for the sector – which is a key area of focus given the new voluntary Agreement 2012.
March: Please send any news stories/cases studies relevant to waste by March 4.
We welcome comment from anyone involved in the sector, or with an interest in the issues we cover.
Note. In the first instance, press teams should contact the editor with details of the commentator and why their viewpoint should be heard.
Main Feature:
This is the magazine’s main feature each month and the angle will be decided at the beginning of the month before the issue is due (eg March issue feature decided around the beginning of January).
March: Health agenda is about more than food
At the start of January a new Change4Life campaign aired with a conspicuous lack of involvement from the foodservice sector. Encouraging behaviour change through social marketing campaigns is a key plank of the government’s efforts to tackle obesity (indeed, at a meeting of the Food Network Steering Group of the Responsbility Deal in December members were asked to consider what action they could take to encourage behaviour change among their consumers) but is the foodservice sector sufficiently engaged with this agenda? Which are the businesses exploiting the insights from behavioural science to encourage consumers to make healthier choices and how effective has this proved? What kind of things can foodservice operators do to nudge people to make better choices (e.g. position healthy foods at eye level, skew promotions towards healthier options).
This might also be extended into looking at how the sector is making good on its commitments made under the Responsbility Deal. Discussion on salt reduction at the last meeting included how best to maximise sign up among high street caterers and the largest remaining unsigned caterer (I think this is Brakes) suggesting that the DH is unhappy with the progress being made by the catering industry compared with food retailers. Maybe a separate boxout on the RD?
Cost + Profit Sectors:
These pages are dedicated to the cost sector one month and the profit sector the next.
March: TBC
Health & Vitality:
With the launch of the Health & Vitality Honours in 2012, these pages will become an integral part of the magazine. They cover the challenges ahead and progress made on issues such as calorie labeling, obesity and sustainable diets.
March: TBC
Supply Chain:
A look up or down the supply chain, or indeed a look at a complete supply chain. Features can range from cutting water use on farm to changing consumer behaviour.
March: TBC
Equipment & Products:
A look at new products and equipment on the market, as well as the companies that manufacture them.
March: TBC
The Next Green Thing:
What will be the next big sustainability issue to affect the industry? In 2012 we covered tax, GM foods and biodiversity footprint, all of which have since become big issues.
March: Paper procurement: new EU timber regulations