New health & wellbeing training

THE BRITISH Nutrition Foundation (BNF) has launched an online training package for use in corporate health and wellbeing programmes.


An ‘Introduction to Healthy Eating and Nutrition’ is designed to verse employees in the basics of nutrition and healthy lifestyles. It supports the Government’s public health objectives and the national fight against obesity.


The course takes up to four hours to complete and includes six sections focussing on the eatwell plate and eight tips for health, energy and nutrients, diet and health issues, dietary needs, food labelling, and applying healthy eating.


There are audio and video clips, charts and photography to aid learning and the flexibility of on-line delivery allows candidates to work at their own pace, returning to and repeating elements as necessary, to complete the course.


The BNF is a not-for-profit organisation that exists to deliver authoritative, evidence-based information on food and nutrition in the context of health and lifestyle.


“The training can be used to support cross functional teams through health and wellbeing initiatives; chef training; marketing, npd and customer service teams; suppliers, and more, and is relevant to organisations operating in any industry sector, that value their employees’ health and wellbeing,” said education programme manager Roy Ballam.


View preview report of Footprint Forum: Mood Food in association with Partners In Purchasing here Full report will be available in the next issue of Foodservice Footprint