Footprint Awards 2014: Special Achievement Award shortlist announced

WE ARE delighted to announce the nominations for the Footprint Awards Special Achievement Award 2014.











This is clearly a strong field and encompasses representation from many aspects of the food supply chain.


The award – sponsored by Essential Cuisine – recognises individual contribution to environmental, social and economic sustainability initiatives, and the nominees – all hoping to follow in the footsteps of last year’s winner Anne Pierce of the Springboard charity – have been arbitrated by an expert judging panel.


The winner will be announced at the Footprint Awards Dinner at East Wintergarden on May 22nd.


Rich Clothier

Managing Director of Wyke Farms. Passionate about food, farming and the local environment.


Nicki Fisher

Head of Sustainability at Pret A Manger for the last seven years; responsible for strategy and direction.


Harriet Lamb

CEO of Fairtrade International. Credited with driving the huge growth in Fairtrade products.


William McCartney

Head of Catering Services at Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust and driver of Food is Medicine concept.


Peter Melchett

Policy Director of the Soil Association, responsible for launching the Food for Life Partnership.


Simon Mills

Head of SD for City of London and instrumental in gaining the City a global reputation for sustainable development.


Baroness Scott

Chair of EU Select Committee D (energy, environment, agriculture & fisheries) at House of Lords.


The Footprint Awards 2013: Special Achievement Award was won by Anne Pierce MBE, CEO of Springboard