Sodexo recognised in BITC’s ninth CR Index corporate responsibility report

SODEXO HAS been recognised in Business in the Community’s annual benchmark of responsible business, the Corporate Responsibility Index (CR Index) and has also published its ninth annual Corporate Responsibility report.












The Corporate Responsibility report – available HERE – highlights the company’s sustainability performance across the business against key performance indicators set out in its Better Tomorrow Plan (BTP), Sodexo’s global sustainability strategy to 2020.


The BTP focuses on the issues that are important to its business and supports its vision of becoming global experts and strategic partners to its clients through the way it does business and is based on commitments as an employer, to health, nutrition and wellbeing, to local communities, to supply chain sustainability and to environmental sustainability. It also covers Sodexo’s commitment to engage with stakeholders.


Since 2002, the CR Index has provided unique insight into how businesses are driving the responsible business practice that will help secure a sustainable future. The 2014 CR Index provided a more challenging set of questions than ever before and its findings indicate that real the progress is being made by UK companies to integrate responsible behaviour into their business. This includes a growing understanding that responsible business provides mutual benefit, with two in three CR Index companies evaluating the economic value of CR to the business.


Sodexo scored 88% and achieved a rating that meant that it:


  • Has developed CR policies for all areas of CR and publicly reports on these
  • Has integrated CR principles into the organisation and has processes in place to ensure these are upheld
  • Has appointed a board member to be accountable for different areas of CR
  • Includes CR objectives as part of senior managers and Board members performance review, although they are not necessarily remunerated against these
  • Is identifying CR related risks and opportunities as part of a formal process
  • Has reliable baseline data to develop appropriate KPIs, set relevant targets that will demonstrate performance improvement


Stephen Howard, chief executive, Business in the Community said: “The 2014 CR Index shows us that companies are making real progress to integrate responsibility throughout their operations. We know that companies are now increasingly discussing CR at board level, transforming company culture through embedding CR into training, and unlocking innovative products and services by looking ahead to the long-term challenges and opportunities of responsible business. Crucially, this shift is being driven by a tranche of responsible leaders that understand the new contract now required between business and society to drive change.


“I congratulate Sodexo for their achievement because it demonstrates a clear commitment to an integrated approach to being a responsible business. We look forward to working with Sodexo to challenge and support them towards creating a fairer society and a more sustainable future.”


Edwina Hughes, corporate responsibility manager for Sodexo, said: “We are delighted to have been recognised by Business in the Community’s CR Index. It is a great endorsement of Sodexo’s Better Tomorrow Plan and the all the hard work of our employees who are committed to driving our sustainability strategy forward.”